Saturday, August 6, 2011

Fall 2011 Anime Picks List

As for my come back in animu blogging I decided to make an early pick list for the upcoming fall season. Since the current season's animes, which is summer, are mostly horrible I couldn't even watch it. Specially Blade(anime). It is horrid! Anyway, what are my criteria on selecting animes? Well it must have a good synopsis first and good visual. I don't care much about the visual ... as long it interests me and it strike the inner fan boy within me I'll go watch it. So here's my Fall 2011 anime picks list.

LOLCATS Collection

Since I'm doing nothing at the moment and I'm feeling gloomy because of continuous raining I take my time googling something funny and I found LOLCATS. So I'm gonna share it to you guys. Hope you laugh as hard as I did. Neko ga daisuki.

Who the Fuck is KNEIVES?!

KNEIVES formerly known as Kynte is a big fan of modern Japanese visual culture (げんしけん) who resides in Philippines and have no plans going overseas. He started watching animes way back when he was a kid and still watching even though he is in early adulthood stage. KNEIVES is totally in to cute and moe (must fall under slice-of-life category or action-comedy genre though); and will watch anything no matter how shitty, non-sense, weird or what-ever as long as it hits the right spot of his inner fanboy. However, KNEIVES also has a very high appreciation to deep-story anime and battle type animu/mango.

The author, KNEIVES, started blogging on his first website-like in Imeem but the website suddenly shut-down due to some unknown reason(s) and decided to move in Bloggers. He started solo in anime blogging in Imeem but when he moved in to Blogger he got himself a partner, LoliComplex, in Baka Kynte (supposedly his own anime blog website but decided he can't do things alone so he invited his friend). Afterwards they got separated because of real life constraints in part of LoliComplex. Since KNEIVES has always have time for something like animes, gaming and manga even though he should focus on his studies; KNEIVES started his very own anime blog once again titled: Kynte's Anime Blog - Good Otaku versus Bad Otaku. Which Side Are You? And once again stopped updating the god damn anime blog due to his relationship who cheated on him because of KNEIVES lack of time to his girlfriend. So once again, and again the formerly well-known Kynte now renounce his new name as KNEIVES put-up a new blog called SUCH MISFORTUNE BLOG.